Family Faith Fun Kits – Advent Edition
The department of Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry at the Diocese of London, together with Coordinators of Youth Ministry throughout the Diocese of London, are pleased to announce that registration for the Advent edition of Family Faith Fun Kits is now open at this link. These kits offer unique activities for families to celebrate the liturgical season of Advent in their homes, while making connections to local parishes. Please consider advertising this free resource to families in your communities. For more information, please contact familyandyouthministry
Check out the Family and Youth Ministry page on the Diocese of London website for a calendar of events for youth and families at
Also see resources for families and youth at
Please find listed below fun faith videos and activities for your family! Enjoy these resources!
Catholic Kids Media - this is a wonderful resource for you and your family to prepare for the Sunday Mass readings and for special Church days. You can subscribe for free to this YouTube channel and the weekly updates will be sent to your email. A really wonderful resource! This link Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time shows you what you can expect to see. Enjoy!
The Kids’ Bulletins are a resource for Catholic kids who would like to have some fun while learning about the readings from the Sunday Mass every week. (Ordinary Form) They are made by a mom in Canada who is happy to share them with anyone who can use them to help learn or teach about the truth and beauty of the Faith.
Feel free to use the puzzles and/or comics separately, but acknowledgement of the source would be appreciated.
There is no cost to using and printing the bulletins, but if you would like to donate there is a “donate” button which uses PayPal, or you can just send an email to [email protected].
At the request of some subscribers there is now an option to pay a small monthly fee to access all of the following month’s bulletins.
I hope the Kids’ Bulletins help you to know, love and serve God better every day.
There are also links for you and the family to learn more and celebrate during the season of Lent...
All for the glory of God!
More Resources and FREE stuff:
This is free printable colouring pages and resources , games too
Lots of free stuff here! Craft of the month, coloring, resources,
Children’s Church from Good Shepherd … It is well done!