This Tuesday is the third Tuesday in Honor of St. Dominic and in this video Sister Maris Stella speaks of St. Dominic's devotion to Our Lady. In the early documents of the Order of Preachers it is recounted that Mary appeared to him on different occasions, and he was often singing to his heavenly mother as he walked on the way. We too can practice the same devotion to Our Lady, and Sister Maris Stella offers some simple suggestions of incorporating Marian devotion into your daily life.
If you missed past week's videos, they can be found on our YouTube channel and Facebook Page.
May God bless you,
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Gentle God,
You call us by name and lead us to life.
Through baptism you commission us to proclaim the Good News.
Bless and strengthen all men and women,
Lay and ordained, who serve in the church.
Guide and give wisdom to those discerning their vocation.
Enrich our Church with dedicated married and single people,
with priests, religious and deacons.
Filled with joy and your Holy Spirit may we follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd,
now and always. Amen.
The historical origin of Priests and Bishops extends back to the Twelve Apostles appointed by Jesus Christ. At a Priest’s ordination, Holy Orders, he promises, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to care for God’s flock, preach the Gospel, teach the Catholic faith, celebrate the sacraments especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation, and pray unceasingly.
This Novena, seeking the Blessed Virgin Mary’s help for all Priests and Religious, can be said during any nine-day period.
O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
you were with Him from the beginning of His life on earth and throughout His Ministry.
You stood beside Him when He was lifted high on a cross and gave His life for all.
O Mary, we ask you now to be with our Priests,
who give themselves in service to God’s people.
Intercede for them that they may grow in holiness;
proclaim God’s word with courage;
celebrate the sacraments with joy;
and be among God’s people as Jesus, the Good Shepherd, was.
We offer this prayer to God the Father,
through your intercession,
in the name of your Son, Jesus,
and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
… Mary Queen of Heaven: Pray for our Priests …